
Italy is situated in the south east of Europe. It is a peninsula famous for its boot shape. There are mountais in the north, the Alps, hills in the middle, the Appennine and beautiful beaches all around.
Its coasts are washed by the Mediterranean Sea in the south, and by the Tirrenic Sea in the west and Adriatic Sea in the east.

Map of Italy



















Italian is spoken all over Italy, but in some areas people speak also very old dialects.
Population is about 58 milions, 8000 km of coasts and 300.000 kmq of surface.

Italian flag




The Italian flag is red, green and white.


Rome is the capital of Italy









Wild animals

Orso bruno

Orso Bruno (Bear): The tawny Bear is essentially onnivoro, above all vegetarian, even if it does not scorn the carogne. The feeding of the bear has a course ages them and varies is in relation to the climatic conditions is in relation to the physiological state of the animal.










Aquila (Eagle): The Eagle is a rapace bird of great dimensions, with the clearly head, wide and long tail nearly how much the width of the wings. The color is, in the adult, uniform, dark brown with glares red-gilded on the back and the head, while in very visible the young or unripe individuals they are of norm in flight the spots white women on the wings and the tail. Wings opening is turned towards the high to form one “V” much. It is distinguished above all in flight from the others rapaci for the remarkable dimensions that in the female can arrive until 2 meters of wing span and to 6 kilograms of weight.



Volpe (fox): Fox is a very popular animal in different part of Italy.






Stambecco (Ibex): This famous and beautiful mammal, anciently present in the zones of many Parks, was missed before 1700. The atmosphere, in particular the Val Zebrù in the Lombardic field, particularly seemed to be adapted to one its life therefore, between 1967 and 1968, they have been put in 29 heads, of which 14 males and 15 females. The experiment has had large succeeding, a lot that hour the population exceeds the 800 heads, easy seen ones also at a distance drawn near enough, given the calm character of the stambecco. Horms in the male rings are imposing (also beyond 1 meter of length) with large reliefs (), while in the females they look like to those of the goats. Females and small until three years form numerous branches much, while the adult males live solitary or in small groups. The period of the loves falls between December and January, small (generally one, very rarely two) is born to June.


Cinghiale (Wild pig): wild boar is the similar of the domestic pig. The wild boar is present in the Mediterranean region gives before the appearance of the man. Today it lives in the forests of Europe centers them, of the Mediterranean regions and southern Asia until Indonesia.